Trackable QR Code
Measure engagement of your links by converting them into trackable QR Codes that you embed and share.

How it works

  • Create a Trackable QR Code

    Easily convert a URL link into a Trackable QR Code with just a single click using your Beak dashboard.

  • Display it physically or online

    Download the Trackable QR Code image for print or display it anywhere on the web that accepts images. Anytime the QR Code is scanned, insights & stats are gathered.

  • Get engagement insights

    Analyze your Beak Data dashboard to uncover measurements and insights on how your consumers engage.

What you get

Scan Analysis

Get insights on unique, repeat, and total scan activity of the QR Codes you've shared.

Location Stats

Find out the top countries, regions, and cities that have scanned QR Codes you've shared.

Devices Used

Learn which devices, browsers, and platforms are most readily used to scan your QR Codes.

Turnstile Access

Decide if you want viewers to gain access to your QR Codes via access code, email, or none.

QR Code Lifespan

Set a custom expiration for your QR code that will terminate further access upon this date.

Max Visitors

Decide how many visitors are allowed to scan your QR Code before all future scans are blocked.